The Binding of Isaac release day!

Binding of Isaac comes out today on Steam for PC and Mac. It is only 5$ (cheap!) and we hope everyone enjoys it. The game started off as a prototype Edmund McMillen was working on to take a break after Super Meat Boy and toss around some ideas he had for Team Meat's next game. He realized he had something and hooked up with former colleague Florian Himsl to start making Isaac. Through out its few months of development the game got much bigger than anyone intended because adding more content was what really made it shine. The game is short and hard, and meant to be played over and over and over again. The more you play, the more content gets unlocked and added to the random pools of loot, and bosses. The dungeon is randomly generated every time you play, and two playthroughs are never the same.

I was lucky enough to get my good friend Michelle to do the voiceover for Isaac's Mom, which came out perfectly and is terrifying. She is a wonderful actress here in Columbus and and fellow company member of Available Light Theatre with me.

The sound design is mostly organic and a good deal of it is pretty gross. I have to keep pace with Edmund's crazy art. The game's scale kind of ballooned past it's budget in terms of content and assets, and I do wish I had a little more time and resources for the sound design, but I am pretty happy with the results. The monster vocalizations were fun to make with demon processing chains, and as I said I am very proud of the voice of Isaac's mom (you can catch at glimpse at the end of the launch trailer). DannyB provided the music and, as always, gave Edmund exactly what he wanted and more.


The game is really fun to play, and Edmund learned a good deal about this type of design. Check out his series of blogs about the game design over here:

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